Why the Name Billy Goat?

Why the name Billy Goat?

It's a nickname my good friend Sarah has been saying for years! Whether it's on the road bike in the summer climbing up Old 40 highway, or skate skiing up to Drifter in the winter, she's always called me a billy goat. I honestly enjoy going uphill more than downhill 🤣. I think the spirit of the billy goat is a good inspiration for how to train, how to move up the mountain quickly and efficiently and how to hop from rock to rock!


New Year's 2021 is coming up!

With much anticipation for ending the Year of UnCertainty (aka 2020) I'm starting to think about goals for the next year. It's always around this time that I can sign up for races/events that become goals for the next year. However, many events will not be occurring again.

So brainstorm what other more localized event can inspire you?

Joshua Tree National Park, CA

Joshua Tree National Park, CA

Is there a Citizen's race you can organize? Is there a peak you've always wanted to climb, but the logistics feel through in the past?


Why is Heart Rate Training important?